Registration Day Tomorrow

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Registration Day from 8am-4pm.  Those students who have not completed the Online Registration will need to complete it by tomorrow.  Those who have already completed the online registration process can access their student's teacher by logging into Aspire/SIS, and when on their students homepage, click the "Scheduling" tab on the right hand side.  Thanks for all your patience as we learn this new system

Online Registration

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Nebo School District is now moving to Online Registration.  It will be located on our Larsen Website, under the registration tab.  Online Registration is open and will need to be completed for each student.

Volleyball Camp at SFHS

Submitted by teresa.beebe on


June 12th- 14th from  10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

For all 3- 7th graders who want to learn more about volleyball and improve their current skills

Run by SFHS Coaching Staff and JV/Varsity Volleyball players

@ Spanish Fork High School D-Gym (Same side as swimming pool)

Larsen Annual Kickball Tournament

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Larsen Elementary held the annual Kickball tournament between faculty and the 6th graders.  There was a lot of trash talking going on about who was going to win.  It was an exciting game and each team had some awesome players.   The teachers pulled through and won the game much to the students surprise. The PTA provided everyone with a popscile to cool themselves off.  Great job teachers and 6th graders!

Choir Performs at Hope of America

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

The fifth and sixth grade choir at Larsen spent all day yesterday participating in Hope of America. This incredible program inspires kids across Utah county to be patriotic and appreciate this amazing country we live in. They learned about the Declaration, the Bill of Rights, and how to inspire others. Their hard work paid off, because we had a blast!