1st Day Red Carpet Welcome

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

We were so happy to see all the students coming back to Larsen.  There is so much excitement in the air about all being back together learning.  A special "thank you" goes out to our Spanish Fork Fire, Police and Ambulance for coming and greeting the students too.  What a wonderful community we live in.  2022-2023 school year is going to be a fantastic year!

Free and Reduced Lunch Applications Now Online

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Free and reduced lunch applications are now open online.  Parents, please take the time to fill out this application.  Even if your child does not eat breakfast or lunch at the school, free and reduced lunch percentages is how we get funding through the Title One program.  Our Title One money is how we pay for our intervention reading technicians, reteach math technicians, technology, classroom supplies and equipment and so much more.  Every application makes a big difference.  Please help benefit our school by completing the application for this year.