Welcome to Larsen Elementary
School Entrance
Striving for greatness- every individual, every day!

Oh Deer Christmas is Here

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Larsen halls are decorated with so many festive Christmas art projects.  We love this time of season and the feeling it brings to our school.  These projects are from 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders.  We have some talented artist here at Larsen.

Larsen Students Attend BYU Womens Basketball Game

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Larsen 4th - 6th graders had the opportunity to attend the BYU Womens Basketball game with other schools through out the district on Wednesday.  Many donations from people and companies made this possible for students to attend.  They had a great time and the BYU even came out with the win! Thank you to all those people who help create great opportunites for our students.

5th Grade DARE Graduation

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Our 5th graders have been participating in the D.A.R.E program taught by Officer DeWitt from Spanish Fork Police Department. They recently held their  graduation where some of the students were able to read their essays on why they are staying away from harmful substances.  D.A.R.E stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education.  Thank you Officer Dewitt for helping our students stay DRUG FREE!

MMHS Students Visit 5th Grade

Submitted by teresa.beebe on
Fifth Grade had the privilege of meeting with wonderful role models from Maple Mountain High School. They came to answer the students' questions about how drug use can impact a person's life in a very negative way. They passed on advice about choosing the best friends they can right now because of the impact it will have on each student in junior high and high school. The students laughed with them and had a twinkle in their eyes, looking forward to when they can be in high school learning new things that they can hardly imagine. It was a great last meeting