Welcome to Larsen Elementary
School Entrance
Striving for greatness- every individual, every day!

Larsen Fall Carnival Coming Soon!

Submitted by teresa.beebe on
Hi Parents! Please check your child's backpack for the Carnival Tickets Order Form. Pizza dinners will be sold as a pre-sale only and needs to be paid (checks payable to Larsen PTA) in the office by Friday, October 30th. The carnival will be held on Friday, November 6th. Save time waiting in line that night by pre-ordering all of your tickets/wristbands.Thanks so much!  Larsen PTA

Witches, Gobblins and Ghosts, Oh My!: Larsen Halloween Parade

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

We wanted to remind all parents about the annual Larsen Halloween Parade on Friday, Oct.30 at 1:00 pm.  Come and see all the little gobblins, witches, mummies and more.  Please  line around the front of the school and students will walk along the sidewalks with their classes.  Hope to spook you there....we mean see you there!