Mrs. Diede's Class Has A New Two Headed Classmate

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Thanks to Triple T Heating and Cooling in Spanish Fork, Mrs. Diede’s Class has a new two headed student!   The students arrived on with excitement in the air!  Mrs. Diede’s class was willing and so acceptable to our new friends.  We voted on their names. We decided first that one head had to be female while the other needed to be male just to make it fair.  We named one Britney after her maker and the other Freddy.      

November Message From School Counselor Ms. B

Submitted by teresa.beebe on
Generally for me, the holidays are a time of joy, but also increased stress in my life.  I hope you enjoy this reminder from Psychologist Kelly McGonigal about how, when viewed positively, stress can be our friend.  She says "caring creates resilience-how you think and how you act can transform your experience of stress.  When you choose to view your stress response as helpful you create the biology of courage.

Larsen 5th Graders Visit Olympic Park

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Larsen Elementary 5th graders got the chance to go visit Olympic Park in Park City this week.  They had fun learning more about when the Olympics came to Utah in 2002.  The students learned about many of the athletes that competed in the 2002 Winter Olympics and also the many different sports that were a part of it.  Some 5th graders got to test out the bobsled and other equipment. The 5th grades got to see luge athletes in action.  Way to go 5th Graders!

Larsen Elementary Salute Those Who Have Fought For Our Country

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

As part of Veterans Day, Larsen Elementary classes watched a very moving video called "Project Vigil 2014".  It was about a little 11 year old boy that stood on the shores of Omaha Beach, holding a flag and saluting where so many young Americans died 70 years earlier.  He stood there for an hour and a half to say "thank you" to those braves soldiers.  Each class stood and saluted the flag after watching the video to say their own "thank you" and honor those that have fought for all the freedoms we enjoy in America.  We love our soldiers and are grateful for all they sacr

Veterans Assembly at Larsen

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Monday Larsen Elementary had a very special assembly honoring our veterans.  One of the veterans was our own Mr. Scoubes along with other veterans from the American Legion.  We are grateful to them for their sacrifices and fighting for our freedoms that we enjoy everyday. We love America! 

Student Council Attends BYU Leadership Conference

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

These Student Council superheros took a day to recharge their powers and rejuvenate their dedication to serve.  With their fearless Principal, Mr. Andersen, to light the way, they converged on BYU for an inspiring day on leadership.  They returned to Larsen on a quest to show the student body how to unite so all students learn to share their super powers.

We look forward to amazing things from our Student Council.

Larsen Elementary Carnival

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

The Larsen Elementary Carnival was a HUGE success!  Thanks to all the PTA and staff for all their hard work in organizing and running all the activities.  Also a big thanks to all the parents and students that came and supported our school.  It was so fun to see all the happy faces. We have the best families at Larsen!

Reflections Contest: Let Your Imagination Fly

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Larsen Elementary PTA held their Reflections contest recently.  This years theme was "Let Your Imagination Fly."  Several students participated in all the different catagories.  There were submissions for photography, painting, 3D arts, dance, movie, recordings, sculpture etc.   Everyone that participated also got to attend an ice cream party.   Thank you for all your hard work kids and PTA!  Larsen Elementary is full of great students with amazing imaginations. 


Fall Carnival Reminder

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

We wanted to remind everyone about the Fall Carnival that is being held tomorrow, November 6.  It goes from 6:00 - 8:30 pm.  Please come and enjoy all the games, food, bounce houses and more!  Hope to see you there!