October Message From Our School Counselor

Submitted by teresa.beebe on
Hello Parents!I came across this quote by author Leah DeCesare the other day and found it applicable to not only myself as a parent but also as a school counselor- "Giving kids our undivided attention, and being genuinely present, shows them they are valuable." Little things like this remind me to put down my phone, turn away from my computer and spend quality time with my kids to ensure they have a more healthy sense of self concept and self-esteem and a better rapport and relationship with me.Here is a short video clip introduced by songwriter Jeffrey Steele about Parenting.  Enjoy

Red Ribbon Week: Drug Free Banners

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Another activity for Red Ribbon Week was that each class had to make a banner that stated they would be drug free.  We then hung them up down the halls so as to remind the students to stay away from drugs and other harmful substances.  Classes were very creative and made some fantastic banners.   Here are the banners made by Mrs. Diede's, Mrs. Stokes, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Hales and Mr. Scoubes classes.  Great job students!

Veterans Day Essay Contest Information

Submitted by teresa.beebe on
Celebrate Veterans Day with America's Freedom Festival.  Enter national essay, speech, storytelling, art, and video contest.  The theme: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Sir Edmund Burke.  For Grades 1-12.  Professionals may compete in an open division in video. All Enteries are submitted online.  The deadline is November 16, 2015.  

Monster Book Fair Coming Soon

Submitted by teresa.beebe on
Our fall MoNSTeR book fair is coming soon. Join us October 20-22 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and during parent teacher conferences to pick out a book for your little mOnstErs or your favorite teachers. Your purchase helps us provide free books for our library, our classrooms and our students. You can also shop at your convenience at our online book fair using the following link:


4th Grade Visit Diamond Fork Canyon

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

The fourth graders went on a fun field trip up Diamond Fork canyon last week! They went on a nature walk where they saw a tepee and beaver dam. Students also learned about the birds living in Diamond Fork and even saw a few! The most exciting part was when they put on big waders and were able to look for different bugs in the river. Only a few students fell in! It was great for the 4th grades to have some hands on experiences with what they are going to be learning this year in Social Studies and Science. 

BYU Baseball Players Come to Larsen For Red Ribbon Week

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Our school was lucky to have  players from the BYU baseball team come and talk to us as part of Red Ribbon Week.  The players talked about how important it is to stay in good physical shape and be healthy in order to play sports.  The team told the students that drugs can prevent them from being able to enjoy all the sports they love and other fun activities that they want to participate in.  Thank you players for helping us understand that DRUG FREE is the best way to be!

September Reading Reward Dance Off

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Larsen students participated in the September Reading Reward Dance Off recently.  We found that we have some fantastic dancers here at our school! Students who had read their minutes in September were chosen to come on stage and then pick a teacher to have a dance off with.  Mrs. Beebe, Ms. Bushman, Mrs. Robison and Mr. Villar were the judges.  Our overall winner was Teni Worthen.  Congratulations to all our great readers here at Larsen!!