Larsen Elementary Fundraiser

Submitted by garrett.andersen on


This is a reminder that the fundraiser sales sheets are due on Monday, April 28th.  They have a quick turn-around in getting the orders ready and back to us.  I would plan on getting the bags to deliver in the later part of the week next week.  Thanks for your help and support and for all you do to make Larsen great!  This is the best school because we have the best students and parents.

Mr. Andersen

Mr. Andersen

Reading Shoot Out!!

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

Friday April 4th, we held our March Madness Basketball Shootout!! Students were required to read during the month of March and received tickets with their names on them to be put into a drawing.  We drew one girl and one boy from each grade level.  The students were able to choose ANY adult in the school to shoot baskets for/with them.  They had one minute to shoot from five different marked spots on the floor and for every basket shot they received $1.00. tons of other prizes were given out such as gift certificates, books, folders and lots more fun items.


Clowning Around For Reading!!

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

On April 1, we had an assembly from the Champions' Challenge Rodeo that is coming to Spanish Fork on Saturday, May 31.  The assembly was hosted by Randy Munns, the rodeo clown,  along with members of the Spanish Fork Fiesta Days Royalty and members of the Rodeo Committee.  Randy Munns dressed up one of our students Cameron Rose, like a rodeo clown and taught him how to jump in the bull-fighting barrel.  He also taught Mr. Andersen what it was like in the barrel!

K. Beckstead / N. Hansen

Seussical Celebration

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

Larsen Elementary recently celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday with a very Seussical celebration.  We started the morning with a special assembly and sang the song "Dr. Seuss, We Love You."  We read part of McElligot's Pool as a school and then each class, Kindergarten through 6th grade memorized a Dr. Seuss poem and recited it in front of the entire student body during the assembly.  Everyone did a wonderful job!

N.Hansen / K.Beckstead

Building Bridges!!

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

Larsen Elementary 5th grade students celebrated National Engineer's Week on February 21, 2014.  Craig Friant, a civil engineer, gave a pesentation on how all types of engineers solve everyday problems. the 5th graders participated in a toothpick and marshmallow bridge building contest. The longest bridge came from Mr. Teuscher's class at 12 1/2" long.  WAY TO GO LEOPARDS!!

J. Friant

4th Grade Students Learn A Little Something About Utah Pioneers and Travel Back In Time

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

Larsen Elementary's Fourth Graders have been learning about Utah pioneers and traveled back in time to the 1850s. Dressed as Pioneers, they celebrated this day by playing pioneer games, churning butter, pioneer cooking and crafts.  The highlight of the day was dancing the Virginia Reel and the Texas Star for and with their parents. WAY TO GO LEOPARDS!!!


The Year Of The Horse!

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

For Chinese New Year here at Larsen, we were privileged to have Mr. & Mrs. Robison come and speak to the 1st grade and 5th grade students about the culture and traditions that are customary in China for the New Year Celebration. Mrs. Robison spent 2 years living there while serving an LDS Mission. The celebration lasts 15 days and this year is the year of the horse. The Chinese calendar has 12 different animal symbols which rotate every year.


2nd Graders Learn How To Keep Smiling!!

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

February is national dental hygiene month and the second graders have been learning alot about taking care of their teeth! Several of the wives of dentists in our surrounding area came and put on a puppet show for them! The second graders learned how important it is to take care of their teeth! They learned how to brush and floss and how often, they learned when to go to the dentist, and what to do to make sure their permanent teeth don't fall out. They had a lot of fun and loved the puppets! WAY TO GO LEOPARDS!!

M.Beck / N.Hansen

Science Fair Winners Move On!

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

Larsen Elementary would like to congratulate the winners of the 2013-2014 Science Fair and wish them good luck as they move on and represent our school at the district level. The winners will advance to the District Science Fair on February 25, 2014.

Science Fair Winners:

5th Grade

Mrs. Mantilla's Class; Kayden Cruz, Brandon Collings, Nathan Clegg.

Mr. Teuscher's Class; Brittan Robison, Dallin Dennison.

6th Grade

Mr. Scoubes' Class; Haley Cardoza, Daniel Graham.


It's A Little Frosty at Larsen!!

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

Our wonderful art teacher, Mrs. Taylor recently had the fun idea for all of the children to each make a snowman to decorate our halls at Larsen. Every student put a fun and personalized twist on their own snowmen so that there is not one frosty that looks the same. They all turned out so cute and made our walls look a bit "Cooler".  WAY TO GO LEOPADS!!
