2nd Graders Learn A Little Bit About Farming At Harwood Farms

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

Larsen Elementary second graders recently took a field trip to the Farm Field Days at harwood Farms in Springville.  We learned about farming and how important agriculture is to everyone.  We started off the day seeing how a sheep gets a hair cut, the farmers like to call it sheering.  As the days get warmer the sheep love to get rid of their heavy winter wool coat. 


4-H Fun At Larsen Elementary

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

Larsen Elementary 4-H students have been having quite the fun lately with lots of exciting classes. This last session of 4-H classes have been extra fun and we are sad to see them ending so quickly.  The students got to choose from Dance, Bento Food Art, Creatviity Corner, Open Gym, Track & Field,  Watercolor, Chess or Soccer.    We want to thank all of the awesome teachers who have helped to make this mini 4-H session the very best. WAY TO GO LEOPARDS!!


4th Grade Students Learn A Little Something About Utah Pioneers and Travel Back In Time

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

Larsen Elementary's Fourth Graders have been learning about Utah pioneers and traveled back in time to the 1850s. Dressed as Pioneers, they celebrated this day by playing pioneer games, churning butter, pioneer cooking and crafts.  The highlight of the daywas dancing the Virginia Reel and the Texas Star for and with their parents. Even Mr. Anderson joined in on all of the fun. WAY TO GO LEOPARDS!!!


Larsen Elementary Holds Science Fair

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

Larsen Elementary recently held its annual Science Fair.  Hundreds of hours went into the wonderful projects and experiments dipslayed by 5th and 6th grade students. Students researched how popcorn pops, plant growth, light, altitude, static electricity, soap bubbles and many more exciting and educational topics. Thank you and congratulations to all of those who participated. WAY TO GO LEOPARDS!!


Pajamas and Friends!

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

Recently Ms. Woods 5th grade students earned a class pajama movie party.  The students were able to come to school wearing their pajamas and bring their favorite stuffed animal to join in the fun.  Some of the things the students had to do to earn their party were: everyone turn their homework in, come in from recess on time, quietly do their classwork, keep their classroom clean.  Students had a wonderful time and enjoyed taking a short break from the normal classroom routine.  Keep up the good work!  Way To Go Leopards!


Dads, Donuts, Books Oh My!!

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

Friday January 25, 2013 Larsen PTA held their annual before school Dads and Donuts activity from 7:00am -8:00 am.  Students enjoyed reading a book from the PTA, who had given books to all of the students to read. Students chose to bring their dad, uncle, grandpa, mom, or other special person with them to the fun event.  Delicious, warm donuts were served to everyone. Thank you Larsen PTA and parents for supporting your child’s reading! Way To Go Leopards!!


Larsen Holds Their Annual Christmas Choir Concert

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

Larsen Elementary recently held their annual Christmas Choir Concert of 2012.  Students from both 5th and 6th grade performed favorites such as “Hot Cup of Cocoa,” “Holiday Blessings,” “Joy in Jerusalem,” and more for students and parents. They even played hand bells for a couple musical numbers. It was a great evening!  These dedicated students practice before and afterschool several times a week. We absolutely love our Larsen choir and love to hear all of their hard work and dedication pay off. Way To Go Leopards!!


5th Grade Visits Olympic Park

Submitted by natalee.hansen on

Right before Thanksgiving break; our 5th grade students had the opportunity to visit the Olympic Park up in Park City. We had fun learning about how winter sports have changed over the years, the different equipment they use, how snow happens through the water cycle, and snowflake formations. The students also got to walk along the actual track used for bobsledding and the skeleton man races. Unfortunately, we were checking it out in between competitions and couldn’t stay to watch but we got to see some of the athletes at their award ceremony.

M.Wood / N.Hansen