College and Career Week March 13th-17th

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

We are having our College and Career Week on March 13th-17th.  The theme is 'Building our Future One Brick at a Time".   You will be seeing all the fun posters around the school of what careers staff and students would like to have.  We will also be having activities and dress up days that are as follows:

Monday:  Our Future is BRIGHT-  wear bright colors

Tuesday:  College Day- wear colors of your favorite college team colors

Registration Reminder

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Registration for returning students and new kindergarteners is going on now.  Please click on the link below or use the QR code to start the process.  Thank you!

SEP Conferences Thursday, March 9th

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Our next SEP conferences will be held on Thursday,  March 9th.  This will be a "walking report card" style.  Walking Report Cards are a fun way to provide parents with important hands-on information about their student’s learning and understanding.  There are no individual time slots for these student conferences.  Teachers will be letting you know the times to attend.  We hope to see everyone there!