5th Grade NOVA Graduation

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Fifth grade was excited to graduate from their NOVA program today! They’ve been learning how to be lone wolf in difficult situations and make smart decisions. They got to celebrate by learning about the K-9 unit. 

Mrs. Terry Receives Crystal Apple Award

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

We are proud to announce that Mrs. Terry received the Crystal Apple award this year for our school.  She is so positive everyday and brings a lot of laughter to her students and coworkers.  Mrs. Terry works tirelessly on creating an environment where students love to learn and progress.  She has taught 5th grade at Larsen and this year took on a new role as our ESSER teacher.  We are lucky to have such a dedicated educator at our school.  Congratulations Mrs. Terry!

Book Fair Thank You!

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

HUGE THANK YOU to all the people who supported the PTA Book Fair! Because of your support we were able to get many books into the hands of Larsen students and teachers! Also, here are some of the books coming soon to the school library that we were able to get with your donations and scholastic dollars. 

Happy Reading!

Council Level Reflections 2022-2023 Winners

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Here are the names, awards, and categories for all the council level winners from Larsen. (Missing from the photo are Traegen Goodman and Ella Hawkins).  Great job everyone!

2D Art

- Oliver Bernier - Primary award of Excellence

- Olivia Rimington - Intermediate award of Merit


- Kaitlyn Keele - Primary award of Excellence


- Elsie Gibson - Primary award of Excellence


- Brooke Baxter - Intermediate award of Excellence