Back to School Reminders

Submitted by teresa.beebe on


Parents and Guardians,

School is quickly approaching. The faculty and staff have been working tirelessly to gear up for an amazing year! We are so excited to have the students back at school. We miss the energy and excitement that the kids bring to our days.

By way of announcements, here are a few reminders before school begins:

Open House:

Welcome Principal Clark to Larsen Elementary!

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

The Nebo School Board of Education appointed Mrs. Bethany Clark as the Principal of Larsen Elementary for Nebo School District.
Mrs. Clark received her bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Brigham Young University in Idaho and a master’s degree in Education Administration from Southern Utah University.

Open House and First Day of School Information

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

It's almost time to welcome back students to Larsen Elementary and we are excited!  We hope that everyone has had a fun summer.

Our Larsen School Open House is going to be held on Tuesday, August 17th from 3:00-5:00 PM.  Students may come and meet their teacher and see their classrooms during that time.

The first day of school is on Wednesday, August 18th.  Listed below are the new start times/end times this year.  Note also that Early Out days will be held on Mondays again:

Daily Schedule

Last Day of School Half Day

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

We made it!!  What a wonderful, challenging, amazing and tough year.  Larsen students have been incredible! 

Tomorrow will be the last day of school and students will be let out at 12:00 noon.  Thank you for all your support this year and we look forward to seeing students again in August.  Happy Summer!