Shout Out to Larsen Elementary

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

We wanted to give a huge shout out to our Larsen teachers, staff, lunch ladies, custodial crew and Mrs. Thomas for doing amazing things these past 2 days.  Teachers have worked tirelessly to get packets and online lessons put together for their students.  Many staff members have also helped coordinate the pick up of all the supplies and helped hand them out.  Our lunch ladies have put together breakfasts and lunches so that kids can still have the meals they need.  Our custodial crews have been cleaning and disinfecting the whole school.  Last.

Thank You!

Submitted by teresa.beebe on
Thank you for your patience and support as we navigate through this unprecedented time in education. We just want to keep you updated on what is happening in Nebo School District.

For the past couple of days and even through the weekend, Nebo teachers have been in training and preparing online materials and/or packets for their students for “at home” instruction.

Supplies/Chromebook Pick Up and Lunch Procedures

Submitted by teresa.beebe on


We will be ready to start with supplies and chromebook pick up tomorrow.  We would like to keep it as staggered as possible.  Listed below are the times for pick up:

10:00 AM-  Students with last names A-J
11:00 AM-  Students with last names K-P and also those coming for lunch pick up
12:00 PM-  Students with last names Q-Z

Just a reminder for lunch procedures that parents need to call daily by 9:00 AM to order and pick up between 11:00 AM-12:00 PM.

More Information and Frequently Asked Questions About School Dismissal

Submitted by teresa.beebe on


Dear Parents/Guardians:

This letter, dated March 15, is a follow up to the Nebo District letter dated March 13, and other letters that have been sent from your child’s school.  It is intended to provide clarification regarding some general questions that have been circulating.  Please help us to ensure that all parents, guardians, grandparents, or caregivers who provide student support are aware of this information.

State Issues Clarification on K-12 Dismissal

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

State Issues Clarification on K-12 Dismissal

SALT LAKE CITY (March 14, 2020) - At a news conference yesterday afternoon, Gov. Gary R.  Herbert mentioned that during public school’s two-week dismissal, parents who are unable to be home with children will have the option to bring them to school to be supervised by teachers. This is not the case.

Parent Letter from Mrs. Thomas about School Dismissal

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Dear Parents:

As you are aware all K-12 schools in Utah are dismissed for the next two weeks. During this time students will participate in at home learning. These days will be counted as school days, and students are expected to continue their learning and school work. Teachers will be sending out information to you no later than Tuesday with specifics for your child’s class.