Halloween at Hogwarts

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Larsen Elementary was transformed into Hogwarts for Halloween.  When students walked in the door it was as if they had just walked into the halls of the magical school.  It was so fun to see all the childrens faces look in amazement as they walked through the halls.  Many of them were so excited to see characters from their favorite Harry Potter novels.  They were even excited to see the man "who's name shall not be named."  Happy Halloween from Hogwarts!

4th and 6th Grades Visit Jordanelle Dam

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Larsen 4th and 6th graders and the unique opprotunity to visit the Jordanelle Dam and take a tour of the sight sponsored by CUWCD .  Students were able to learn how they use water to create electricity.  The Jordanelle Dam Hydropower plant is a green power source—it leaves no carbon footprint. Hydropower is one of the most efficient ways to generate energy.   After touring the Dam the students were provided lunch and even got some prizes to take home.  Thank you CUWCD for letting Larsen Elementary visit.

Halloween Parade

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

It's that spooky time of year again and Larsen Elementary is getting ready for their annual Halloween Parade.  It will be held on Halloween Day at 1:00 PM.  The parade will start by the west playground and wind around the big tree out front.  There are no weapons or masks permitted with costumes.  Hope to see all you spooks there!

Thank You Mrs Thomas

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Happy Principal's Week to Mrs. Thomas!  Larsen Elementary is so lucky to have such an amazing woman as our principal.  She is such a champion for students and wants every single one to suceed in their education.  Mrs. Thomas makes sure that she gets to know each student by name and that they feel welcome and loved while at our school.  One student was heard walking down the hall saying "Mrs. Thomas is so cool and she new my name."  You will see her walking around in all of her different colored Converse shoes having fun with the students.  Mrs.

4-H Session 2 Registration

Submitted by cami.thomas on

Click on the link below to register for 4-H Session 2 beginning at 7:00 am on October 18. We have exciting news this session. If you get on and register your child with the county 4-H program (https://ut.4honline.com ) your child can come to 4-H for FREE! This needs to be redone once a year, every year after October 1, so everyone should reregister! 


Picture Retakes October 24th

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Picture retakes will be held on October 24th. Students will need to bring their picture packets  to turn in for retakes.  If your student missed our first picture day they can get their picture taken then .  A flyer will be coming home soon.

Reminder of SEP Sign Ups

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Just a reminder that our first SEP conferences are being held on Thursday, Oct. 26th.  There still are some  that have not signed up for a time slot.  Look on the right hand side of the Larsen website and the quick links for SEP sign ups are listed there.  Make sure to click on the correct grade level,  then scroll down until you see your students teacher.  There you will see the time slots that are still available for that class.  Call the office if you have any other questions.