Free and Reduced Lunch Applications Now Online

Submitted by teresa.beebe on
Free and reduced lunch applications are now open online.  Parents, please take the time to fill out this application.  Even if your child does not eat breakfast or lunch at the school, free and reduced lunch percentages is how we get funding through the Title One program.  Our Title One money is how we pay for our intervention reading technicians, reteach math technicians, technology, classroom supplies and equipment and so much more.  Every application makes a big difference.  Please help benefit our schoo

Free and reduced lunch applications are now open online.  Parents, please take the time to fill out this application.  Even if your child does not eat breakfast or lunch at the school, free and reduced lunch percentages is how we get funding through the Title One program.  Our Title One money is how we pay for our intervention reading technicians, reteach math technicians, technology, classroom supplies and equipment and so much more.  Every application makes a big difference.  Please help benefit our school by completing the application for this year.  

Attached are the  directions to fill one out through Infinite Campus.  There is an English and Spanish version.  


Here also is a memo from our child nutrition office:

 Dear Parents/Guardians: 

The National School Lunch Program waiver that provided free meals to students has expired. This means that school meals will no longer be automatically free. You will need to submit a Meal Benefits Application in order to qualify for free or reduced-price meals for the 2022-23 school year. Qualification is based on factors including household size, income, participation in assistance programs such as SNAP, FDPIR, and TANF, as well as living situations such as homelessness and migrancy.

Online applications will become available after July 12th. You may access an application by going to your Infinite Campus Menu, then scrolling down to More and clicking on Meal Benefits. Any application signed before July 12th does not pertain to the 2022-23 school year. As a reminder, households must apply every year to confirm eligibility for free or reduced-price meals.

If you do not qualify for free or reduced-priced meals, school meals are available at the paid rate of: 


Breakfast- $1.50

Lunch- $2.00


Breakfast- $1.50

Lunch- $2.50