When: Tuesday, March 4th at 7:00 PM
Where: Via Zoom - Link:
What: Information and guidance on what stuttering is, how parents can provide support, and what effective intervention through the school district might look like.
Who: Led by Caleb Sanford, M.S. CCC-SLP. Caleb is a person who stutters and has a child who stutters. He works for Nebo School District as a Speech-Language Pathologist and stuttering specialist.
Please fill out this form if you plan to attend:
If you are unable to attend but would still like information/support, please contact Caleb Sanford at
Q: What if my child is not receiving speech services for stuttering at school? Can I still attend?
A: All parents/caregivers of students in Nebo School District are welcome to attend, even if your child is not currently receiving speech services.
Q: What if I’m not sure if my child is stuttering?
A: Stuttering is often characterized by speech that includes any of the following: repetitions (b-b-b-ball), prolongations (sssssssnake), or blocks (c——ar). These patterns may be accompanied by visible tension or face/body movements during stuttering moments. Kids who stutter sometimes describe feeling stuck or out of control when talking.
If your child shows any of these signs or has differences in the fluency/forward flow of their speech, it may be helpful for you to attend!