Second Grade Author Share

Submitted by teresa.beebe on
2nd grade loved showing off all of their hard work with research and writing. Each class got to share their animal books and we even had special guest visitors, Mrs. Beckstead and Mrs. Clark!
2nd grade loved showing off all of their hard work with research and writing. Each class got to share their animal books and we even had special guest visitors, Mrs. Beckstead and Mrs. Clark!
2nd grade loved showing off all of their hard work with research and writing. Each class got to share their animal books and we even had special guest visitors, Mrs. Beckstead and Mrs. Clark!
2nd grade loved showing off all of their hard work with research and writing. Each class got to share their animal books and we even had special guest visitors, Mrs. Beckstead and Mrs. Clark!
2nd grade loved showing off all of their hard work with research and writing. Each class got to share their animal books and we even had special guest visitors, Mrs. Beckstead and Mrs. Clark!

2nd grade loved showing off all of their hard work with research and writing. Each class got to share their animal books and we even had special guest visitors, Mrs. Beckstead and Mrs. Clark!