Welcome to Larsen Elementary
School Entrance
Striving for greatness- every individual, every day!

6th Grade Studies Shakespeare

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

6th grade has been learning about the Renaissance time period and about Shakespeare in Social Studies.  After practicing in small groups, each class put on their own versions of Hamlet, Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet.  Students did an amazing and had a lot of fun.  It was great to see them shine on stage.

Larsen is Celebrating Kindness Week

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

 For the last couple of weeks, as part of library time, students have been talking a lot about how words have power.  They saw how a simple act of kindness can change someone's day and that how they treat each other makes a difference.  In celebration of Random Acts of Kindness Day, each student K-6 was given a small heart and was asked to think of one positive or kind word or compliment they could think of to write on that heart.  Then our older students grades 3-6 strung those hearts into confetti garland. 

5th and 6th Grade Science Fair

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Did you know that Larsen Elementary has some amazing scientists? Well it's true.  Our 5th and sixth graders participated in the science fair and some that will be moving on to the district level.  They are listed below:

5th Grade:  Emily Gedeborg, Rylee Giles and Faith Hewett

6th Grade:  Jacob Baxter and Memre Gause

Congratulations to all who participated!