U.S. Census 2020

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

The U.S. Census Bureau has embarked on a nationwide effort to inform everyone living in the United States and five of its territories about the upcoming 2020 Census and to encourage them to respond online, by phone, or by mail.

Everyone counts. The census counts every person living in the U.S. once, only once, and in the right places.

It’s about fair representation. Every 10 years, the results of the census are used to reapportion the House of Representatives, determining how many seats each state gets.

Title One Family Night Star Fest

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Please join us on Monday, March 9th from 5:30-7:30 PM for a a fun filled Title One Star Fest.  This is for all Larsen families.  Free dinner will be served from 5:30-7:00 PM.

 A yellow flyer will be coming home today with more information.  Please fill it out and let us know if your family will be are attending and how many.  We need that back by March 5th.  Call the school with any other questions.  We hope to see you all there!

Leopard Spotlight is Mrs Frasche

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Our Leopard Spotlight this week is Mrs. Frasche.  She is a Title One techinician but also helps in the office for a half hour in the mornings.  She was no stranger though when she started at Larsen because all of her children have attended our school.  Here are some more fun facts about her:

Favorite Subject in School:  Psychology and History

Hobbies: running, reading, baking and sewing

Favorite Book:  THe Help by Kathryn Stockett

Favorite Food and Drink:  Mexican food and Dr. Pepper

Happy Birthday Dr Seuss

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!  Larsen Elementary spent the day celebrating his birthday in many special ways.  Students wrote poems, read his books, played games, made art projects and ate green eggs and ham.  We love Dr. Seuss and had fun celebrating him! 

Panda Express Visits Larsen Elementary

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

Several classes at Larsen where lucky to have Panda Express come and visit their classrooms.  They taught students about what Lunar New Year is all about in China.  Panda shared the customs and legends that have been passed down for over 3,800 years!  They also were awesome for bringing food for everyone!   Thank you Panda Express for coming and celebrating with us!

Mrs Thomas and Teachers Get Pies in their Faces for Read A Thon

Submitted by teresa.beebe on

We had an eventful morning here at Larsen Elementary.  First we had an assembly called "In Their Shoes" where students learned about how people live in other countries  .  Then after that, we got to hold our awesome read-a-thon assembly.  The winning grade levels were 1st and 4th grade.  Each class got to choose someone to get a pie thrown in their face.  There were many nervous faculty and staff waiting to see who they would pick.  The lucky winners were Mrs. Thomas (3 pies), Ms. Linnell, Mrs. Chynoweth, Mrs. Stevenson and Mrs.